I am a lifestyle photographer based in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. I love capturing moments of life: big ones like weddings, graduations, and births, and the little ones, like a warm sunny day, the wind through the hair, and smiles.
Wow! Just...wow! This family was soooo much fun! They are a wonderful family I've known for years from my church. They emailed me this past week to take some last minute family pics the day after Thanksgiving. I had no problem saying yes, especially since they have a fantastic backyard (you might remember it from Beth's Senior Pics). Here are my favorites:
Wow, these were so much fun to take, and dare I say it, to edit! Robin is graduating from UNT in December (just like I did!) and wanted some snazzy graduation pictures to go with the announcements. She was ah-mazing and I was very pleased how these turned out. I've never had so many turn out wonderful (over 150!) Here are my favorites:
Thank you to the beautiful and wonderful Paige Oliver, one of my brides. She designed my website and did a fantastic job. It is a great resource to anyone wanting to know anything about me and my business - about me and my business, pricing, and of course, galleries of pictures!!
Feel free to leave me comments or concerns about it!
Yay! Beth is a senior over a Arlington High! We took half of the pics over in old town Mansfield, and then jammed to the Beatles as we took the rest in best friend Kate's beautiful backyard.
I wanted to get more creative with my next session. This now inspires me to make a series out of this: fairy tale characters. This is inspired in part by Annie Lebovitz's fantastic Disney series, and in part by my love of fairy tales. This one is a mix of Peter Pan & Thumbelina. Enjoy!
Kellie needs new business cards, and yours truly took her new headshots. The first picture is the one she ultimately chose, but the others were some of our favorites from the session.