Oh how I have been woefully neglecting you, my poor blog!
I am getting back in to the blogging world. There I said it (and I’m doing it). I have thought about this blog everyday for the past three weeks. It has been my every intention to post all my fabulous new sessions. It’s just….bleh… You know when you feel forced in doing too many things, you want to drop at least one? Unfortunately, I’ve dropped too many. When it comes to my photography, I’ve dropped Flickr, my blog, and (eek!) my website in favor of…. Facebook. It’s so easy to post on there and think, "no need to post anywhere else!" And I have a sneaking suspicion that people don’t read the blog….or will read the blog. But no one will read the blog if there isn't anything new.
So revamp time! Change the look, change the style, change the overall feeling and I’m back to blog-love. It is, after all, the first place I put my pictures!
I am coming up on the one-year unofficial anniversary of my business (aka, someone taking a chance on me!) and I want to rewrite my goals for 2010.
Current goals:
1. Score a triple double for 2010: book 10 seniors, 10 weddings, and 10 family portraits. So far I have…. 3 seniors, 5 weddings, and 2 family portraits.
2. Get featured! Whether it is a magazine, contest, or blog, I want to be featured at least once in 2010. 8 more months to go…
3. Post AT LEAST twice a week on the blog: Tuesday and Friday? Monday and Thursday? Haven’t decided yet…
4. Post EVERYDAY on facebook. I do this anyway for my personal facebook, so this should be too hard….
5. Get comments! I love feeback (unless its “contact us to improve your traffic…ergh), and I will admit, I love to be loved, and I love for my work to be loved. That’s why I got into this business, right? But I also love improvements – I want to know what I can improve on, what didn’t work for a portrait, or something I do too much…
6. Get followers! Sign up on the sidebar to follow me! My goal: 100 followers by August! I’m at 68 at the moment – can you help me get more?
7. And finally... I am going to take this business seriously and (eek!) actually market myself. Because everyone has to start somewhere, right?
Wish me luck! :)
Next post: Playing catch up!